OMG! I can't believe I didn't blog
at all during the month of October! Do I have an excuse?? Of course I do! Please meet the newest addition to our family, Miss Lexi Grace!!
Lexi joined us on Oct 6th, after a lovely quick and easy labour (the stitches after not so quick... not so easy...). She was born looking absolutely beautiful, but surprisingly different from her big sister. Maybe she has her nose... but that might be it! It's so nice that she is her own special self, with her own personality and identity!

Big sister Emily was teething and had a fever when we returned home, so was miserable to begin with, and then there was this new baby taking up lots of mum and dad's time! I told Emily that I understood - if Daddy brought home a new wife, I would be pretty unhappy too! But after a few days she realised she was in love with her little sister, and is constantly giving her kisses and cuddles. She tries to soothe her when she is crying by patting her, which is so very sweet [okay, so it would be sweeter if it actually worked :-) ]. Emily likes to help me by getting a nappy for Lexi when I ask for one. Of course I give lots of 'wows', 'thank yous' and high 5's in response just to encourage her. So a few days ago, she must have really wanted to please me.. she gave me 8 nappies in a row! So cute!
Anyway, I shall blog more often, but must nap now while the two girls are sleeping