I played Wii for the first time. It was bowling... After I threw the ball, only some of the pins fell down...so I rushed towards the TV ready to push the others over. Everyone seemed to have a problem with this...
I showed Nanna & Pop my fav iPad app, the Wheels on the Bus. They were amazed.
I danced with new friends.
And run barefoot on the grass chasing bubbles.
And then it was Easter.
We ate chocolate.
We ate bunnys.
Poppy & Lexi had a serious talk about Bunnys.
We layed on pretty quilts & hugged bunny friends.
Daddy made me giggle so.
We seriously ate chocolate. Seriously.
We hammed it up for Nanna & Pop.
We played by the beach.
We did things our way. Just because we can.
We posed for pics.
We played with hats.
That fit me & my sister.
We set up dueling sewing machines.
And we sewed and sewed.
Daddy made us both laugh at the same time. He's clever like that.
Toast & I got to know each other really well.
We snuggled on Pop's chair with lovely quilts & watched cartoons.
And we were cute. Just cause.