Sunday, January 31, 2010

Some food and a winner!

I have decided that seeing as we have purchased a new home, and moved into a new neighbourhood, where we plan to be for a long time... I am really going to make an effort (perhaps for the first time) to get to know our neighbours! So early on Saturday morning I made some delicious Apple Spiced Sour Cream Muffins, and off we went next door! So turns out, we have lovely neighbours!! They really seem so nice and friendly, and have a very healthy sized family of nine children! (I thought I had seen a  few children, but was thinking about six!). Anyway, I am very excited. Isn't it great when everything seems perfect, and then things get a little more perfect-er  :-)

And speaking of food, we have just finished on Sunday night tradition of pancakes for dinner! Yummo!!

But now to the important business... the winner is.... (drumroll...) number 15!! MJELLY! I will contact you for your address so I can send off the lovely Owl. Thanks to everyone who participated. I really appreciate the feedback, and got some great advice.


  1. Yummy muffins!! Have you got the recipe?? lol

    Congrats MJELLY =)

  2. Come and be my neighbour - they sound awesome!

  3. Congrats to the winner! Awww the muffins look yummy! Do you want to be my neighbor for 3 weeks in March ;)

  4. Sally - will email you the recipe! :-) Cutting up the apples is a pain for me, but gee they are yummy!
    Chicken-Ink: might send you some other goodies instead :)
    Team Loskutoff: I would love too! :-)
